City of Stars: Winter Formal
By: Abigail Chai, Center Spread Editor Despite students’ begrudged return to school every year following a two-week break from the many assignments and tests of the fall, there is one occasion that most students can anticipate upon coming back: the…
Legacy Admissions: A Tradition or Unfair Privilege?
By Center Spread Editor, Abigail Chai From a seemingly endless pile of essays to complete to the desperate scramble for letters of recommendation, there are various steps of the college admissions process that seniors across the country attempt to perfect…
Live From New York: It’s the Shifting Popularity of SNL
By: Abigail Chai, Center Spread Editor Just three days before the highly-contested election, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris made a quick stop in New York City for one of her final campaign events of the year. However, it wasn’t for…
Stars and Stripes: How Celebrities Really Influence Elections
By Abigail Chai, Center Spread Editor The night of September 10th marks a momentous day in American politics, with the first debate between 2024 presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump taking place; however, that wasn’t the only pivotal event…
Mills High Debuts Our Brand New Dance Program
By Abigail Chai, Center Spread Editor Each year, students can select from a wide range of offered electives to fulfill their visual and performing arts (VAPA) credits, with choices such as media arts, drama, and ceramics being a popular choice….
New York City Field Trip for All APES Students!
By Abigail Chai, Entertainment Editor In the summer of 2024, freshman biology and AP environmental science (APEs) teacher DeBois will be embarking on a two-week long trip to New York with his AP students! The trip serves as the annual…
The Stanley Cup: Why Is Society So Obsessed?
By Abigail Chai, Entertainment Editor Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year, you’re probably aware of the latest trend that has taken over the internet; the Stanley Cup. The large, metal tumbler that comes in a…
Gifts: Material Presents or Straight Gifts?
By Abigail Chai, Entertainment Editor The winter season is filled with numerous holidays which are celebrated in their own, unique ways, but they often share one common theme: gift giving! For many, receiving gifts is something to look forward to…
What is the Mills Interact Club?
By Abigail Chai , Entertainment Editor Every year, Mills offers a variety of clubs for students to partake in, with some clubs garnering larger crowds than others. However, one club has always remained a popular choice amongst both old and…