Love or Just A Situationship? Clocking the new standard for relationships and the new dating culture 

What is a situationship? It’s a word that has been increasingly used on social media and maybe even your own friend group. It describes a romantic relationship between two people with no clear labels; translation: two people who are afraid…

Tis The Season of Giving back

Environmental Club Hosts Winter Clothing Drive By: Julia Xia, Opinions Editor This Holiday season, it is important to not only have fun celebrating with your families but also to give back to your community. One way to give back is…

Office Depot’s Downfall

By: Julia Xia, Opinions Editor In June 2023, High Street Residential submitted a proposal to Millbrae to demolish Office Depot and replace it with a six-story, 278-unit apartment building.  What once was Office Depot will now become a large apartment…

Local Candidates on La Quinta 

By: Julia Xia, Opinions Editor Last September, San Mateo County bought the La Quinta Hotel, a locally owned business, with the plan to turn it into permanent housing for unhoused Californians. One year later, this plan to convert La Quinta…

Weighing the Real Value of Out-of-State Colleges

By: Julia Xia, Opinions Editor Deciding where to go to college is one of the most significant choices any student will make in their time as a high schooler. It is the next step in furthering your education, and you…

Division In Vision: Students Need Apple’s Latest Vision Pros

By: Julia Xia, Features Editor Have you ever been bullied for your glasses, called “four eyes” and other harmful terms because of them? Had larger, stupid-looking, upperclassmen rip your glasses off your face then stomp on them, shattering their little…

The Privacy Paradox; Controversy Behind Propping Open School Restroom Doors

By: Julia Xia, Features Editor In October of this year, students at Mills discovered that all the gendered restroom doors were propped open with a wooden door stop. This action, taken by the administration, caused mass confusion among students as…

Our SMUHSD Student Board Representatives

By: Julia Xia, Features Editor Every month, our school district holds a board meeting at the district office in San Mateo. The goal is to always discuss plans to improve the overall functionality of the school district. However, student perspectives…

New Clubs At Mills High School

By: Julia Xia, Features Editor Thursday, September 7, was the annual club fair during lunch. The fair aimed to advertise the new or returning clubs here at Mills. One of the new clubs at Mills is the Linguistics Club, created…

TikTok Ticking Away Your Time

By: Julia Xia, Staff Writer In 2019, the lip-syncing app died and was replaced with the app we know and love, TikTok; but is it love we feel, or obsession? When the app first launched, people were captivated by…