Letters From The Editor

A Letter from the 2024-2025 Editors-in-Chief

By: Elaine Chan and Phoebe Piserchio, Editors-in-Chief

A warm welcome to the student and staff community at Mills from your Editors-in-Chief at the Thunderbolt, Phoebe Piserchio and Elaine Chan. Being our senior year, we are so honored to have the opportunity to serve our community through student journalism. This edition marks the beginning of a new and exhilarating year for the Thunderbolt and as your Editors-in-Chief we will strive to present relevant and honest news alongside our team of Editors and Writers. The September Issue entails the summer reflections and fall aspirations of the vibrant student body all around us. As the fall season is upon us, we look forward to fostering a safe creative outlet at Mills that harbors school spirit, unity, and the student voice. 

The Thunderbolt would not be possible without our incredibly hardworking student-staff and of course our advisor, Mr. Pretto. Throughout our years in Journalism we have witnessed the team grow and bond together in both the journalistic and academic world and are truly appreciative of their utmost dedication to this publication. 


Elaine Chan & Phoebe Piserchio 
