ICE Raids in the Bay Area

By: Bianca Pando, Entertainment editor On January 20th of 2025, the 47th president of the United States, President Trump, was inaugurated into office. Seven days later, Trump launched nationwide immigration raids organized by the Immigrant and Customs Enforcement (ICE), creating…

Introducing: The Weightlifting Club

By: Bianca Pando, Entertainment Editor At Mills High School, the weightlifting unit may seem like just another Physical Education unit to pass the class. Many may picture this time to be something spent in solitude, pushing through another set at…

Warming up for Winter

By: Bianca Pando, Entertainment Editor The Music Department at Mills High School prepares for their up-coming performance for Mills students, families, and the Millbrae community set to be on December 13, 2024. As December rolls around, many students are preparing…

Turkey Trouble: The Old Tale of Charlie Brown

By: Bianca Pando, Entertainment Editor As October ends, and sweet Halloween candy wrappers fill the trash cans, we can always count for a savory feast to follow. Started in 1621, Thanksgiving is commonly a family dinner, paired up with a…

When are you too old to trick or treat?

By: Bianca Pando, Entertainment Editor As Halloween approaches, and many are in their last few years of High School, students wonder if they should enjoy their Halloween by trick-or-treating or if it is too late? Although Americans enjoy trick-or-treating, and…

Mills Jazz Band Prepares For The Upcoming Folsom Festival

By: Bianca Pando, Staff Writer Happening on January 27, 2024, the Mills High School Jazz band, directed by music teacher David Greorick, will perform in the Folsom Jazz Festival. Starting over 35 years ago, the Folsom Jazz Festival has continued…

Annual Millbrae Tree Lighting 2023

By: Bianca Pando, staff writer As winter approaches the town of Millbrae, the community gets ready to welcome the Christmas season. With the annual tree lighting event, on the first week of the month, December 2, 2023, all of Millbrae…

Long Weekends or Seasonal Breaks?

By: Bianca Pando, staff writer Would you as a student rather have many three day weekends or have a long break for a week? While many would think about these questions as having a simple answer, there are a few…

10 Books & Movies That Taught Us to Be Thankful

By: Bianca Pando, staff writer As Thanksgiving season arrives, so is the season to be thankful and remember which characters or movies have taught us about gratitude. What does it even mean to be thankful? Could it be writing cards…

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease circulates Mills

By: Bianca Pando, staff writer During late September, an out-break circulates around Mills High School. History repeats itself with new-found illness and brings to light the new culture that encourages students  to go to school while feeling sick.  Coxsackievirus A16,…