Transitioning to High School: Friend Groups

Generally speaking, the people you walk into high school with are not the ones you will walk out with. However, it’s not always because you hate each other’s guts. From my time spent at Mills, I’ve found that the picturesque…

Archive Features

The Continuing Impact of Martin Luther King Jr.

The name Martin Luther King Jr. holds a significant place in the history of the United States and the world as a whole. Martin Luther King was most popularly known as a pastor from Alabama who was a prominent spokesperson…

Archive Opinions

Ego in Politics

By: Leo Schroeder, Staff Writer For most of the world, ego is an attribute that plays a central role in our lives. Many of us would define ego as something along the lines of “the narcissistic part of our character.”…

Archive Opinions

How to Manage Holiday Stress

With the holidays approaching in high speed, so does the stress that comes with the season itself. While it is an important time to relax and spend time with loved ones, the stress and pressure that comes with this time…

Girls Varsity Cross Country Reached State Championships

By Anjuli Niyogi After competing in Central Coast Section (CCS) on November 17th, the Varsity Girls Cross Country team was ready to run in State Championships only a week later. Although they did place 21st, Tessa Chen, Ashley He, Audrey…

Archive Sports

Intro to Winter Captains

By Victoria Lin and Victoria Ratto, Staff Writers  Girls Wrestling: The Girls Wrestling Captain, Pipiena Langi (12), is excited to lead her team to victory this year. She started her wrestling journey at Mills just four years ago. Langi loves…

Archive Features

College Apps: Reflection and Realization

Amanda O’Dea, Editor-in-Chief Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like a total phony writing college app essays? We’re asked questions like If your life was a novel, what would the title be? and What metaphor do you…

Abundance of Assemblies at Mills

By: Abigail Sun Since the start of the 2018-2019 school year, Mills has hosted 3,486 assemblies. Okay, so not really. But there has been a hefty amount already: the Mental Health Awareness assembly, sexual consent assembly, Challenge Success for freshman,…

A New Take On Underage Drinking

By: Abigail Sun You’re at a party. Music is blaring, everybody’s moving around, and the lights flicker so much that your eyes struggle to take it all in. Your friend squeezes through the crowd and makes her way back to…