New Recreation Center For Millbrae
By Noor Abdullah, Staff Writer The city of Millbrae opened the new Recreation Center to the public on July 10th in Central Park to the thrilled welcome of the community, six years after the previous recreation center was unfortunately destroyed…
Mills Thunderbolt Sued over Copyrighted Picture
By: Ryan Kurniawan When you hear “sue” the first thing that probably comes to mind is Donald Trump suing Hillary Clinton for Russian collusion allegations, or back in 2019 during the cringeworthy lawsuit between Apple and Epic Games over microtransaction…
Ball Sports Replaced with Stuffed Animals
By: Zhiyuan Ma; Staff Writer The Mills administration announced on March 24th that due to safety complaints from parents, all sports that employ balls will now be played with stuffed animals instead. This sudden change has prompted mixed reactions, garnered…
Policy Change: Bathroom once a month
By: Tiffany Xu; Staff Writer As many people know, some bathroom breaks aren’t really for using the bathroom. These breaks don’t just last 5 minutes, but much longer than that. This really bothers teachers and other peers of missing parts…
Mills Classes Sorted by GPA Next Year
By: Vanessa Nguyen; Staff Writer For the past 64 years, Mills High School has been changing up how we’ve run our school. At the moment, we run on a block day schedule; even periods on Tuesdays and Thursdays, odd periods…
Advice Column
By: Phoebe Piserchio; Staff Writer Dear The Thunderbolt, I’ve been having this recurring nightmare every night for the past few weeks. It starts off with a bowl of grapes laying an egg. It then hatches into Alvin (the chipmunk) eating…
Mr. DeBois Leaves Mills to Pursue Dog’s Modeling Career
By: Phoebe Piserchio, Staff Writer After just one year on the Viking ship, Mike DeBois, beloved science teacher for Biology and AP Environmental, has recently announced his resignation to pursue his dog Selene’s modeling career. DeBois submitted a formal letter…
Mr.Hensley: Scottish Royalty
By: Michaela Gonzalez; Staff Writer In Journalism, we always appreciate diverse ethnic backgrounds. China, Palestine, Mexico, Vietnam, Malaysia, you name it. When talking about this topic in class, Mr.Hensley brings up his Scottish ancestry. “Yeah, I think I’m in line…
Mills Students Banned From the Habit
By: Hanson Han; Staff Writer On March 14, 2022, The Habit announced that starting April 4, 2022 – the day Mills students come back from spring break – all students from Mills High School will be banned from entering the…
Jadon Lo and Antonio Sacco Crowned New Doubles Golf Champions
By: Hanson Han; Staff Writer Two students from Mills High School have made history in Dublin, being the first two highschoolers to win the Dublin Doubles Golf Championship. The championship was spread across the span of two days, from March…