Why the Mile?

By: Michaela Gonzalez, Staff Writer 5,280 feet. 63,360 inches. 1 mile. All of us students collectively dread the cry out of the words “the mile” and the task that it entails. Whichever elementary and middle schools we have all been…

You Don’t Need a Valentine’s to be Happy

By Brendan Phimsoutham, Staff Writer As February settles into the new year, people begin to wander aimlessly in their thoughts over the next upcoming holiday: Valentine’s Day. Every February 14th of the year, anyone aware of the general idea believes,…

The Real Grinch Is Capitalism

By: Michaela Gonzalez, Staff Writer Christmas is a broken record meant to empty your pockets and blind you from the product you are becoming in this capitalistic world. Yes, this might sound like a Grinch-like statement, but deep down, we…

Holidays in December

By: Julia Xia, Staff Writer Usually when you think of December the thought of Christmas and jingle bells fills your mind, but in reality there are tons of different cultural celebrations and holidays that happen during the 12th month of…

New Bell Schedule

Students find it annoying and confusing not to have a solid schedule to rely on. Especially with double block schedules this year, many struggle with knowing which classes to plan and what homework to prioritize with different schedules. They often…

College Admissions: A Student’s Perspective

By: Max Zaninovich, Opinions Editor The U.S. college admissions process is universally unpopular, and it’s not hard to see why. Students across the world are scrutinized the moment that they step foot onto a high school campus, or for myself,…

College: A Students Perspective

By Max Zaninovich, Sports Editor The U.S. college admissions process is universally unpopular, and it’s not hard to see why. Students across the world are scrutinized the moment that they step foot onto a high school campus, or for myself,…

Big Brother is Watching a Little Closer this Year

We are all aware, based on the technology agreement, that Mills and SMUHSD can monitor all online activities of students. What you may not be aware of is how closely and thoroughly this is being done.  With the implementation of…

Guide to In-Person School

By: Ciara Whipple, Staff Writer and Kaliya Williams, Staff Writer Through the past year and a half we experienced, we know that adjusting back to in-person learning can be difficult. This may be especially difficult for the freshmen and sophomores,…


Kanye West, Donda: An Album Review

By Joshua Choe, Opinions Editor Long awaited album by rapper, song writer, and producer Kanye West, “Donda” dropped at around 5AM PST, August 29, 2021, marking his 10th studio album. Through labels GOOD Music and Def Jam Recordings, it was…