The Superstitions and Symbolism We Have About Rain

By Eduardo Galindo When we picture rain, it is usually something we see as sad or disappointing, as it locks away some things that are fun. Little kids sing rain rain go away as if it is something unwanted. In…

Spookiest Games and Films for Halloween

By Jessica Poon, Staff Writer Although we, as students and adolescents alike, may have trick-or-treated as kids, we are inevitably getting older, and no longer can.  So what should we do after? Aside from partying, here are some movies and…


By Daniel Gao, Staff Writer Spooky foods of Halloween, ah yes, it’s that time of the year again. From exotic grapes that look like witch fingers to durians that look like a medieval mace and smell like rotten flesh, nature…

The Truth Behind the Halloween Myth of Poisoned Candy

By Eduardo Galindo Aguilar, Staff Writer  “Don’t go trick or treating! I read a news article about someone tainting candy with toxins!” It is a common myth that during Halloween strangers will give out candy containing things that put kids…

Freshmen On Their Experience In High School

By Jamie Wong, Staff Writer The beginning of the school year can be a challenging time for everyone as we say goodbye to summer and settle back into our school year routines. On top of the normal stress, freshmen are…

The Heteronormativity Behind “Galentine’s Day”

By Elizabeth Chen, Staff Writer While it’s not an official holiday, Galentine’s Day is a popular day that precedes Valentine’s Day. However, today is problematic for numerous reasons. Galentine’s Day was first introduced in Season 2 Episode 16 of the…

Setting Realistic Expectations

By: Magdalene Ko, News Writer As 2022 rolls around, the most common procedure is to set goals for the coming year. All around me, I hear people asking ‘did you set any resolutions?’ ‘what are your goals?’ ‘my goal is…

Why Change Is Good (Out With the Old and In With the New)

y Vanessa Nguyen, Staff Writer Change can be terrifying, driving your adrenal glands into overdrive, flooding your body with cortisol, inducing stress and inflammation. But change doesn’t have to be so terrifying and stressful. If  we learn how to approach…

You Don’t Need a Valentine’s to be Happy

By Brendan Phimsoutham, Staff Writer As February settles into the new year, people begin to wander aimlessly in their thoughts over the next upcoming holiday: Valentine’s Day. Every February 14th of the year, anyone aware of the general idea believes,…