Music Review
To make it big in the music industry, more and more artists are signing to record labels and various producers, forfeiting sole ownership of their music and agreeing to work under strict deadlines. Artists feel compelled by record labels and…
Yogurt Review
By: Kianna Cheuk, Staff Writer When I wake up in the morning, I typically find myself rushing out of the house to get to school. Because I rush out of my house in a hurry, I end up skipping the…
Pewdiepie vs. T-Series
By Jack Peng & Aiden Neely Staff Writer Felix Kjellberg, known as Pewdiepie on the internet, has been the number one most subscribed channel on Youtube, a platform made for independent creators, since 2013. As of January 31st, he has 83,275,336…
The Year of the Rom Coms
Romantic comedies have been around since the beginning of film itself. Luckily for us, it appears that every couple of months Netflix releases a new wave of movies, including these loveable rom coms. The newest and greatest hits of this…
Trendy Fall Foods
By: Karine Chan Leaves falling, ice cold wind biting at your nose, cuddling up near the fireplace after a long day; what do you think of when fall comes to mind? Personally, the abundance of festive food catches my eye…
Quirky Holiday Traditions
It’s that exciting time of the year again! Once Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over, the holiday season unofficially begins. While most of us go out to the ice rink with our friends or have a delicious meal with our…
Peppermint; the best or a bust?
I hate to be the Grinch, but I think we need to discuss an important holiday topic, peppermint flavored foods. Whether you love or hate peppermint foods, it has its pros and cons, and today, I’m here to discuss the…
Perspectives on Mills
By:Giselle Kuang, Staff Writer As staff writers for The Thunderbolt, we have decided to gather our own personal perspective of Mills. Each of the four of us have had a unique experience here at Mills and we have compiled our…
Indie Coffee Shops Around the Peninsula
Whether it’s to kickstart a morning or re-energize for class, coffee is essential to every high school student. While Starbucks is quick and convenient, it’s always exciting to explore local…
The Evolution of Black Friday
by Justin Dunbar, Website Manager Black Friday is the name given to the day after Thanksgiving. Thousands of people crowd shops, standing in lines for hours to get the very best bargains. In 2017, American shoppers spent an estimated $5…