New Assistant Principals
By Max Zaninovich, News Editor Last year the Mills Community said goodbye to two of our beloved Assistant Principals, Mr. Gomez and Ms. Schlax, both of whom will be sorely missed. Nevertheless, this year we turn the page and welcome…
College Application Season Is Here
By Nicole Lee, Staff Writer The annual November madness is upon us and I’m not talking football. The season of students agonizing over GPA’s, personal statements, and whether or not they can stand out amongst other applicants is now in…
Investment Club Participation in the Wharton Investment Competition
By Jamie Wong, Staff Writer The Mills Investment Club started as a Discord server. During quarantine, Daniel Gao (12) and his friends used the space to discuss stocks and finance. After returning from distance learning, Gao, the club’s president, thought…
Our Student Success Coordinator
By Samuel Lam, Staff Writer One of the amazing things about Mills is the strategically designed programs it provides to all students in order to be academically successful. Some of these programs are specifically designed to help students who face…
Skyline Courses
By Hanson Han, Sports Editor This year, Mills is reintroducing in-person dual enrollment Skyline college courses. In the years leading up to the pandemic, Mills had just started a partnership with Skyline college. However, once the pandemic hit, these classes…
New Teachers at Mills
By Julia Xia, Staff Writer Every fall brings new beginnings to high school: new students, courses, clubs, and also, new teachers. This year Mills is excited to have brought in more than four new teachers and administrators to campus. For…
Lunch Experiences From Student Food Workers
By Kyle Chan, Staff Writer During lunch of the 2022-2023 school year, student food workers experienced many events; whether it is the joy of getting paid, the sense of being overwhelmed with large crowds, or maybe dealing with the conflicts…
Mills Music Premiers at Art and Wine Festival
By Erika Kita, Staff Writer Recurring every year in Millbrae, the Art and Wine festival is one of the only times of the year when everyone from the Millbrae community may unite to support small and local businesses. As Millbrae…
Ms. Donohoe’s Transition From Taylor to Mills
By Amelia Naughten, Staff Writer You may know her as your current history teacher as a sophomore or junior, or perhaps you remember her from your middle school history class at Taylor. Ms. Donohoe may be a new teacher at…
Senior Advice
By: Julia Xia; Staff Writer With the year coming to a close, many students are wondering what they could do differently in the next year. Whether it’s a freshman becoming a sophomore, or a junior becoming a senior, a little…