Changes to AP testing

By Jack Peng, Website Manager Beginning this new school year, College Board, a non-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity, has revised the scoring and deadlines of Advanced Placement (AP) classes. The AP exam is a test…

Ethnic Studies Course to Replace Freshmen History Next Year

By Anjuli Niyogi In the upcoming 2019-2020 school year, the incoming freshmen class will be taking a newly implemented, Ethnic Studies course in place of a semester of Modern World History(MWH). During their sophomore year, they will cover MWH I…


Leo Schroeder, Staff Writer When asked to recall something from their childhood, a great majority of Americans might touch upon the common question that we all faced while growing up; “What do you want to be when you grow up?”….

New Skyline Health Career Class at Mills

Rachel Lam, Features Editor This year, Mills High School has partnered with Skyline College to provide students with a health career class. Taught by Professor Paul Rueckhaus, the semester-long class is held at Mills weekly on Mondays from 6-9 p.m….

Mental Health Advancement Initiative at Mills High School

By Victoria Ratto, Staff Writer  A global teen epidemic, students with mental health conditions struggle to receive the education they deserve. Struggle to maintain a health emotional and mental wellbeing in a high “pressure cooker” environment has been approached by…

Sit Down with Principal Duszynski

Amanda O’Dea and Daniel Xuereb, Editors-in-Chief The 2018-2019 school year has had one whirlwind of a start. With the Welcome Back Rally, spirit days, a fire drill, and Mills Mania already behind us, Mills students have been hard at work,…

Mills’ Freshman SAIL Academy

Ezra Chan, Center Spread Editor This year, Mills High School is implementing a new program in an effort to provide interdisciplinary support to students at the start of their high school careers. Lead by English teacher Mr. Hudelson, SAIL, which…

The Negative Impacts of Drowsy Driving

Ezra Chan, Center Spread Editor Drowsy driving accounts for approximately 10% of all car accidents, according to a study done this year by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. That is up 8-9% from official statistics from the U.S. government,…

Poverty Awareness and Food Drives

Anti-poverty week is a week where the causes, effects, and solutions of poverty are discussed more so than any other time of the year. This year, it took place from October 14th to October 20th. Many organizations plan events during…

Archive News

Ben Goltz Leaving Mills

By: Giselle Kuang, Staff Writer Whether you are feeling stressed from school, or you just want to talk to someone, Mills’ wellness counselors are always there for their students. Ben Goltz, one of the wellness counselors here at Mills, was…