Mills Debuts first ever Fall Film Festival

By Eduardo Galindo, Copy Editor Showcasing a total of 35 films, Mills’ first Fall Film Festival brought together a collection of incredible student films from beginning Media Arts students as well as advanced students. Ranging from animation to live-action thrillers,…

Warming up for Winter

By: Bianca Pando, Entertainment Editor The Music Department at Mills High School prepares for their up-coming performance for Mills students, families, and the Millbrae community set to be on December 13, 2024. As December rolls around, many students are preparing…

Things to do Over this Winter Break

Elijah Cabatic, Staff-writer Winter break is the longest break aside from summer break that students get. During this break, many students decide to travel to destinations across the US, and even beyond. But, if you are planning on staying in…

Behind the Mistletoe: Where Did It Come From?

By: Noah Ung, Staff Writer Kissing under the mistletoe is one of the holiday season’s most playful and enduring traditions. For centuries, this seemingly random plant, with its evergreen leaves and white berries wrapped in bows, has carried the meanings…

Dragon Dance Team Soon to Return to Millbrae and SF Events

By: Tianyou Lee, Staff Writer In January and February of 2025, the Mills Dragon Dance Team will be performing at the Millbrae Lunar New Year Festival and San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade as their first out-of-school events since their…

Veteran’s Day: Honoring Mills Families Who Served

By: Matthew Du, Staff Writer Veteran’s Day is a day in which we honor, respect, recognize, and show appreciation for all those who served or are currently serving in the military. Several students and teachers at Mills have family members…

Spread Joy This Thanksgiving: Volunteer Locally to Fight Hunger

By: Warren Shiu, Staff Writer With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many in our community are preparing for family dinners and holiday celebrations. However, for some that are less fortunate, it may be harder to fully enjoy the festivities. In…

Mill’s thoughts on the 2024 Elections

By: Eduardo Galindo, Copy Editor On election day Nov. 5, 2024 Americans across the country had the chance to vote on different matters for national and local changes. For Millbrae citizens, however, there were ten state propositions as well as…

Office Depot’s Downfall

By: Julia Xia, Opinions Editor In June 2023, High Street Residential submitted a proposal to Millbrae to demolish Office Depot and replace it with a six-story, 278-unit apartment building.  What once was Office Depot will now become a large apartment…

The Crumbl Cookies Craze: A Review on the November Week 11-16 Lineup

By: Mikayla Ho, Staff Writer Millbrae will soon have its very own Crumbl Cookies, and many students are ecstatic. As someone who has never tried Crumbl Cookies, I went to discover why it’s so popular. Crumbl Cookies was established in…