Knock, Knock–Why Are the School Doors Always Locked?
By: Amelia Naughten, News Editor As someone who spends a lot of time after school for extracurriculars, I’ve always thought of the campus door policy as an inconvenience. After 6 p.m., it’s a constant onslaught of “please open the door”…
Scientifically Sound or Simply Fun? Assessing the Value of Zodiacs, MBTI, and Personality Categorization
By: Tianyou Lee, Staff Writer One in four Americans believe in their zodiac sign. An estimated 50 million people have taken the Myers-Brigg Types Indicator test worldwide. Yet both astrology and MBTI types are widely regarded as pseudoscience by professionals,…
why have there been so many plane crashes recently?
By: Elizabeth Paniagua, Staff writer Recently, in 2025 there have been a total of 87 aviation crashes. 62 in January and 25 in february. Though there have been many questions about why and how, the real question is, are airline…
Golden Globes 2025 Wear or Tear?
By: Janelle Pantilon, Features Editor Each January, audiences of renowned cinema, television, and entertainment are welcomed with the Golden Globes broadcasted to start off their year. Dating back to 1944, the award show is not only highly anticipated because of…
How Important Are Extracurriculars for College Applications?
By: Tianyou Lee, Staff Writer I am, unfortunately, a junior. That means I have to start seriously thinking about colleges and how to appeal to them. Besides the standard high GPA and standardized testing scores, there is something else which…
Finals: Project or Test?
By: Mikayla Ho, Staff Writier Finals are a time when many students begin to prepare for exams and projects. During this time, students study endlessly to prove what they’ve learned throughout the semester in two hours. In other classes, students…
How Should Students Combat Food Waste?
By: Matthew Du, Staff Writer At Mills High School, food waste has become a problem as most foods end up in the trash rather than being consumed. What is the main issue that is causing food waste? Is it the…
Legacy Admissions: A Tradition or Unfair Privilege?
By Center Spread Editor, Abigail Chai From a seemingly endless pile of essays to complete to the desperate scramble for letters of recommendation, there are various steps of the college admissions process that seniors across the country attempt to perfect…
The Decades-Old Debate: Real vs. Fake Trees
By: Jada Pan, Staff Writer On the morning of the 25th, the fresh yet warm scent of fir will be the first greeting to let you know it’s Christmas. But imagine when you wake up and smell…nothing. You walk into…
The Fading Magic of Christmas: A Nostalgic Look at Growing Up
By: Meagan So, Staff Writer The once magical Christmas spirit we had growing up eventually fades away, with stories of flying reindeer and mischievous elves becoming a thing of the past, a faded memory, and the idea of Santa Claus…