Skateboarding During The Pandemic in the Bay Area

By Melissa Catpo, Staff Writer Within the past few months, the popularity of skateboarding has soared due to social media, skate park accessibility, and quarantine. Countless people have taken interest in this sport because of recent trends, not to mention…

A Gift Guide For Student Athletes

The holiday season is coming up, meaning many people are scrambling to get gifts for their friends. Buying gifts can be stressful and difficult, but if your friend does a sport at Mills, follow this gift guide to ensure that…

Freshmen Dragon Boat Athletes & International Competitors

By Anjuli Niyogi, Editor-in-Chief Despite being new to the Viking family, freshmen Maria Duquette and Dayna Kurniawan are no strangers to the sport of dragon boat racing. Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese sport that has edged its way…

Protein Based Foods: Are They What You Think?

By Katelyn Lam, Staff Writer Every day, at the supermarket or local convenience store, there are so many snacks being advertised as “healthy” and “full of protein”. But when customers go to buy one of these items, how many really…

Coach and Athlete Spotlight

The pandemic has brought up many uncertainties in everyone’s lives, one being when there will be a sense of normalcy. The San Mateo Union High School District (SMUHSD) recognized that students need that “normalcy,” and allowed for sports conditioning to…

Mills Athletes’ Thoughts on COVID-19 Mandates

By Melissa Catpo, Staff Writer During October, student athletes typically prepare for their sports season and play in fall games; but a lot has changed for the athletes here at Mills since school switched to remote learning. Many people, including…

Distance Learning: PE In A Virtual Setting

By Joshua Choe, Staff Writer As a result of COVID-19, schools have been left with no other option than to educate young minds from the confinement of Zoom meetings and virtual assignments. Physical education (PE) is no exception to this…


Safe Outdoor Hiking Spots

By Joshua Choe, Staff Writer Like many cities across the country, the Millbrae community has been greatly affected by COVID-19 restrictions and safety guidelines. Outdoor activities and indoor athletic facilities alike have both been significantly restricted. Any groups larger than…

Students Can Now Request Tennis Courts In SMUHSD Schools

By Rita Li, Staff Writer The Mills tennis courts have now reopened after months due to the coronavirus pandemic. Students can now request the tennis courts through the school district website Mondays through Fridays, stretching from 3:30 to 8:30pm. Additionally,…

Your Guide To Staying Active While Staying Safe

By: Karine Chan, Editor-In-Cheif Though public gyms have been forcibly closed down for many months due to rising COVID-19 cases, that’s no excuse to become inactive during quarantine. As we’ve all become sitting ducks, it is increasingly easy to fall…