
FCCLA shines at the STAR competitions

By Eduardo Galindo, Copy Editor

On June 29, FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) headed for a five day journey to Seattle, Wash. for a national conference with fellow FCCLA groups and competed in the STAR (Students Taking Action with Recognition) competitions, winning gold in Food Innovations and silver in Interior design. 

FCCLA is a nationwide organization that provides students with leadership potential and opportunities that develop lasting life skills. This summer they competed in the STAR competitions representing California. “There were a lot more people, I think, than all of us expected,” said Dr. Reyes, the club’s advisor, “and it was the first time we all went there so it was like a learning experience too.”

The STAR competitions are made up of multiple contests that each demonstrate different skills and knowledge of the participants. “There are hundreds of different competitions you can do. There’s salad prep, there’s baking, cake design, interior design, fashion design,” said Ally Man(12), President of FCCLA. 

To qualify for the national competitions in Seattle, FCCLA had to rank high enough in regionals and then the state level. In the state competition that took place in April, FCCLA placed first and advanced to the national conference.

Man alongside her partner, Cady Lee(12) competed in the Food Innovations category where they were tasked to create a snack from scratch. “It was geared toward teenagers. So we had to make the formula, get the packaging, get the consumer feedback,” said Man, “We had to design all that, and then we got to bring our products to present to the judges.” At the national conference in Seattle, Lee presented their snack to the judges, placing in the top ten and won gold.

FCCLA members Giancarlo Monroy Aceituno(11) and Bryon Perez Duran(11) participated in the event for the Interior Design category, where they designed a dog house. In their competition they placed within the top fifthteen, winning silver for their chapter.

The event wasn’t solely competitions, “The conferences are usually two to three days, and there’s a lot to do at the conference, besides competing,” said Man, “you get to walk around the city, get to see other people present.” At these conferences they provide workshops for various leadership topics, including networking or running meetings. 

Besides all the conferences, FCCLA is now planning a fall leadership meeting in October. For preparation they’ve been “meeting over the summer, to kind of get everything together,” said Reyes. This event will take place in Windsor, and there FCCLA has planned workshops and more to make the event great.


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