
Mills High School Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year Honorees

By: Jordan Hasty, Staff Writer

The Mid-Peninsula Boys and Girls Club is a non-profit youth development organization dedicated to inspire and enable young people all across the peninsula to achieve their full potential as caring, responsible, and productive citizens. Since 1955, the organization has served youth ranging from 5 to 19 years old. 

Within the time that the club has been active and opened its doors to the community, it has successfully aided various youth achieve both their personal and educational goals whilst curating a positive, inspiring environment. As of today, the Mid-Peninsula Boys and Girls Club serves over 2,000 youth across 5 clubhouses with 12 unique programs in 8 different school districts. On January 6, 2014, the Club expanded its outreach and opened a site on the Taylor Middle School campus here in Millbrae. Amidst the Club’s endeavors, the Youth of the Year Event was born. The purpose of the Youth of the Year celebration is to honor and celebrate the young participants for their extensive hard work, involvement, and conscious investment to make the Club and Millbrae community a better place. Through their extensive commitment, the young citizens are able to help shape brighter futures for them and their families. In light of celebrating the members of the Boys and Girls Club, participants from Mills High School were honored in the 2021 Youth of the Year Event for their willing efforts. 

A respective congratulation is in order for the Mills High School students: Jack Xie, Taylor Le, and Mayel Duenas for being recognized as Mid Peninsula Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year participants. Each member is celebrated for giving back to the Club and community while simultaneously excelling in their personal, academic, and professional endeavors. The first honorary member, Jack Xie, is an 11th grader at Mills High School and longtime member of the MPBGC, spanning over 6 years. For his nomination process, Xie provided a speech about why teen mental health is important. He has also helped the Club’s staff throughout the school year and over the summer as a Leader in Training (LIT). Additionally, Xie is known for being the club’s go-to teen member for any and all athletic activities. In high school, Xie has been balancing both his school work and sports. He runs track and field, while also attending tutoring sessions during the weekends. Xie also developed an interest in photography and digital media. He participated in an Asian American History Photovoice summer program through the Office of Contact Administration in San Francisco (OCA-SF) Chapter, taking a deeper look into Asian-American representation and advocacy in the United States. “Staying true to my roots and recognizing the severely flawed policies that affect the Asian-American community is fundamental and encourages me to promote and further build a fair, equitable atmosphere for us all in any way that I can” Xie accentuated. Ultimately, this led him to take a videography class to explore his creative interests in this field, and how they can carry out a change. Xie continues his community service at the Club as a 2020 Census Ambassador. He trained with the MPBGC during the summer of 2019 to reach numerous communities for the 2020 Census. After graduating, Xie hopes to pursue a degree in clinical psychology.

Taylor Le, also in the 11th grade here at Mills, has been an active member of the Club for over six years. In terms of her nomination process, Le recited the song “I Have Almost Everything I Need” by Georgia Stitt. Le is an active member of Torch Club, and has continuously supported the club in the kitchen for their cooking program as well as at the Front Desk. The Torch Club is a chartered, small-group leadership and service club, serving as a powerful vehicle that helps Club staff meet the special character development needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their life. The MPBGC is confident in their reliance on Le to look after the younger members with her problem-solving mindset. “Helping others and seeing lending a helping hand, big or small, is the greatest reward” Le mentioned as she explained the enrichment of assisting community members in need. Throughout high school, Le came back every year to support the Torch Club for their Annual Haunted Cabin Fundraiser at the Millbrae Community Youth Center Clubhouse. Le is a natural performer, acting in school plays and participating in performance programs outside of school. She enjoys singing and acting and plans to pursue a career in the performing arts following high school. 

The final member, Mayel Duenas, has been a member of the Club for four years. Since day one, Duenas took on a leadership role at the Club. Duenas provided tours to new members and is an active participant in all of the Torch Club Community Service projects. Duenas cares deeply about the community and has a passion to give back. During the holiday season, she donates warm clothing such as socks and scarfs, and often volunteers at animal shelters across the peninsula. Duenas is an emerging leader and her energy creates a welcoming environment at the Club. She serves as a big helper at the Club and offers a space for other people to participate and engage in Club programs. Over the years, MPBGC has helped her grow and identify right from wrong. She plans to study criminology/psychology or pursue a career in business.  Through studying criminology and psychology, Duenas wants to better understand what causes people to behave the way they do when they harm others. By understanding these issues, she hopes to prevent harm in our society. Duenas partakes in the hobby of making her own jewelry in her free time, through which she is exploring the possibility of becoming a Latinx entrepreneur.  Culminating a sense of belonging as well as a community that unquestionably cares for one another is vital. The Mid-Peninsula Boys and Girls Club honors this intention, making it evident in their various nurturing investments to the community.

In a complicated world, helping others is simple. If you are interested in volunteering for the MPBGC, please note that the volunteer program is currently on hold due to COVID-19, but the Club welcomes all skilled and committed volunteers, and offers an individual volunteer form to submit for when they reopen. In case you would like to offer a kind donation to the Club, you can donate any desired amount, anonymously or specified here. Your donation to the Mid-Peninsula Boys & Girls Club will ensure kids and families can continue accessing food, everyday necessities, learning support and mentors who can help them overcome today’s obstacles. For more information, please contact Erika Dugay at Alternatively, there are numerous other ways to contribute to the community. Simple thoughtful acts such as helping your neighbors, donating old or unworn clothing/canned goods, practicing saying “thank you” more, supporting local businesses, and more can help increase the well-being of the area we live in. Small acts have the ability to make large impacts. Together, we can continue to create a safe and warm environment where every individual can feel comfortable in.