April Fools ;)

Mills Prom Cancelled because of COVID-19

By: Mia Khan; Staff Writer

It’s unfortunate news to announce that the Mills Masquerade Prom will be canceled due to Covid precautions. If followed through, this year’s prom would have been the first in two years. Sadly, a current surge in cases and prospective cases to emerge after spring break has alerted the Mills administration and disappointed students. 

After thorough inspection of the yacht, the planned prom location, the SMUHSD hired inspectors observed safety concerns and limited spacing area on the yacht. They claimed there wasn’t enough ventilation in the main areas. Covid cases are also expected to rise when students return from Spring break, like when school reopened after winter break. Winter formal has already been canceled in fear of another surge. And during homecoming, Mills removed the privilege of having guest passes to limit the amount of guests and social distancing. To minimize the spread, large events such as Prom have to be reanalyzed for Covid safety precautions.  

The Prom Committee planned to have a full buffet dinner with drinks, snacks, and desserts. Since catering at Prom is a necessity, this would encourage students to ditch their masks, another Covid safety concern. Eating in such close spaces is a huge problem. Some students might be able to eat outside, but most will be forced to eat inside, something even school does not allow.

Additionally, masking and Covid testing requirements posed a possible issue with students who complained and argued with the Mills administration about these restrictions. Many didn’t want masks to ruin their once in a lifetime prom pictures. The administration worries students will simply leave masks off for the optimal experience, especially with COVID fatigue and senioritis kicking in, SMUHSD is requiring all students to test after spring break, but they’re afraid that despite the tests, cases will surge. Prom is an added possible super spreader, and the risks are too high to get another winter break like surge at the end of the year, especially for those who have AP tests.

Ms. Dove and the Prom Committee announced, “For the safety of the students, Prom will be canceled this year. The Board and Administration has agreed to put Covid precautions first before school events.” When asked if Prom could still be postponed to a later date, they replied, “Unfortunately, there will be no postponement. This year’s juniors and seniors are not going to have a prom at all this year.” They were very sorry that there were no other options, but hoped students would understand the decision. 

Ryan Kurniawan, a senior, expressed his disappointment, “Prom is supposed to be a once in a lifetime experience, it doesn’t make sense to cancel it. It’s on a boat, who’s gonna get Covid!” Anther senior, Kaliya WIlliams, responded, “On top of prom being canceled, Covid has ruined so many plans for us, but I hope that at the end of the year we can at least have a bigger graduation party.” Many seniors are looking forward to going to Universal Studios at the end of the year. Ciara Whipple, also a senior, stated “even if nothing happens we’re going to do something by ourselves. Probably go to Santa Cruz.” However, Freshman Ebenezer Lokotui sympathetically remarks, “That really sucks for seniors. But I really don’t care.” It seems that prom’s effects only matter to the upperclassmen. 

This unfortunate update is disappointing, but it is nonetheless crucial to place student safety above school occasions. Ms. Duszynski and the Leadership community thank the Junior and Senior student body for their understanding. They are looking for other options that seniors could enjoy, and hope they have a wonderful end of year!