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Origins of Groundhog Day

By: Emily Wu, Staff Writer

Every year on February 2, up to 40,000 people travel to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to watch if a groundhog will see its shadow. Punxsutawney Phil is the famous groundhog who emerges from his burrow to predict whether the U.S. will experience six more weeks of winter or an early spring

In 2025, the celebration marks the 139th annual Groundhog Day, and for the 108th time, the groundhog has seen his shadow, giving us six extra weeks of winter. 

Phil the groundhog shares his life with his wife, Phyllis. Together, they are parents to two groundhogs: their daughter, Sunny, and their son, Shadow, who made their debut on March 23, 2024.

In honor of the ceremony, the Groundhog Club was formed in 1880. Phil and the club travel around the world, visiting people and sharing his story. The Inner Circle wears tuxedos and top hats to show their honor and respect to help bring Phil to his stump. In addition to the main festival, the club hosts the Groundhog Ball and the Groundhog Banquet throughout the week. 

According to the legend supported by the Groundhog Club, Punxsutawney Phil is immortal, thanks to a magical potion known as the “Elixir of Life.” This secret recipe, that is fed to him every summer, is said to ensure his longevity and youthful appearance. However, this concoction is reserved for Phil only. Neither his wife or children are allowed to partake in it, leaving Phil as the only immortal member.

Becoming a member of the Groundhog Club grants anyone who joins the title of “Faithful Follower of Phil”.

The festival’s roots can be traced back to February 2, 1877, at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. It originally began with Europeans celebrating Candlemas Day, a tradition known as Badger Day, where a badger would be used to predict the weather by seeing its shadow. German immigrants brought this tradition to the U.S., using a groundhog instead of a hedgehog. 


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