
Sonny Angels: Trinket Take Over

By: Hayden Bunce, Staff Writer

Popular collectibles, Sonny Angels, are taking over the bank accounts of young teens as their popularity skyrockets.  For those who don’t know, Sonny Angels is a line of cherub figurines created by Japanese toy manufacturer Toru Soeya, aiming to be a companion for a woman struggling in adulthood. Toru Soeya created Sonny Angels based on a 100-year-old cartoon character Kewpie, a drawing commonly found on Japanese mayo packaging.

  With their increase in popularity, there must be a reason why they have become the newest trend. Well with a trinket as adorable as Sonny Angels and Simikis are that seems to be a major reason so many people are hyper-fixated with collectibles.  The variety of each Sonny Angel seems to contribute to its popularity;  Madison  Wong (11) states, “They have like costumes and hats on – like for the series you to get.” 

 When not sold out, the variety of  Sonny Angels on the shelves leads people to purchase more. However, the ability to collect multiple series and the blind box aspect of collecting Sonny Angels leads to what can turn into an expensive game of chance.  Unfortunately, the mystery aspect can lead to overconsumption despite their adorableness in hopes of getting the angel you’d want. 

The popularity of Sonny Angels causes people to sell the Sonny Angels for obscene and unreasonable prices.  As cute as the figurines are, spending that much on an item feels a bit absurd, especially with the gradually fast rise. As Sedona Rose (10) pointed out“like collecting things, just without a real purpose.”

Considering the prevalent rise and how much people love to over-consume the Sonny Angels  I decided to see what everyone was so obsessed about. Unfortunately, we did not find any that day but my parents found three Sonny Angels in Chinatown in San Francisco. When I saw them I was pretty excited to see them after the struggle my mom and I had gone through so I was decently amped up to see what I was going to get. For my first Sonny Angel ever, I got an adorable blue mouse from Animal series 2 which I adore. My second sonny angel was from the Birthday series and I got the birthday cake which is cute but personally not as cute as the mouse. Then for my final Sonny Angel, I got a ram animal hippers which will be accompanying me anytime my phone and I go on a journey.

After my unboxing, I understand why everyone loves to collect hundreds of these trinkets. Although depending on where you purchase them collecting Sonny Angels in my opinion really isn’t price-friendly considering my parents paid 14 dollars for a blind box. With the overall adorableness of Sonny Angels, it’s easy to see why so many people are obsessed with them, and continuing to buy more of these trinkets.