Archive Features

Stressed to be Relaxed

Leo Schroeder, Staff Writer

Summer is nearing quickly. Lots of us are now shifting our attention to summer aspirations. “All I have to do is survive finals and then it’s summer! Then I can relax and have fun!” We all know this phrase a little too well. Even hearing this may stress some of us out. We stand in the midst of one last, giant wall in between us and the freedom of summer. For Seniors, it’s the start of a giant leap into their futures. For juniors, it’s the beginning of their end of high school. . Sophomores will be elated by the fact that they are done with half of their high school career (the second half feels much longer). The freshmen will have finished, to them, what they thought was the longest year of their life. All this thinking about summer might stress us out. We all know that we have more school to return to regardless of what grade we’re in. We all have things that we have to do once next year starts. That means that we have to enjoy our summer. Now many of us face the dilemma of being stressed out on how to best enjoy our summer–stressed about how to best relax.

This funny paradox of our feelings and intentions can get you down. One simple solution to relieving the stress of having a great summer may simply be to forget about it all together for the time being. Simply focus on making through to the end of school. Do your best in school to best prepare you for next year.

Another simple way to make sure that summer is going to be fun and relaxing is to tell yourself, to know that summer will be fulfilling no matter what you do now. Simply not having to go to school every day will be enough to alleviate many of us. This being said, relaxation does not equate to slouching around in bed all day. Just like in school, relaxation comes from knowing you worked hard to earn this downtime. Continue to work hard enough to sit back and relax after a day of hard work. Sleeping until noon, browsing Instagram all day, meandering with friends, will not achieve any sense of relaxation. This cycle of summer will only get you boredom. Whether your work is a job, summer homework, or training for a sport, remember that you will have ample time to relax at the end of the day.

Remember to enjoy your summer to the fullest by getting school squared away. Relaxing over the summer is no problem at all if you just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.