Archive Features

What People at Mills are Excited for this Holiday

By: Kianna Cheuk, Staff Writer

The last two weeks before winter break are especially stressful—as the end of the semester approaches, students are busy maintaining their grades while preparing to for finals. The idea of winter break is a soothing and comforting thought that students keep in mind as they finalize their grades and take exams. Mills students have shared below what they are excited for during the upcoming winter break.

“I’m excited for Christmas. My cousins living in Los Angeles will be coming up to visit us. We don’t get to see them very often, and it’s always great to see how much they’ve grown up without us realizing.” – Markos Wong, Junior

“[I am looking forward to] spending time with my friends and family. I’m also looking forward to getting rest. School consumes a lot of my personal time due to rigorous classes.” – Andrew Issa, Junior

“[I’m excited] to [go] ice skating. It’s my favorite winter activity, and it really brings either my friends or my family—depending on who I go with—together.” – Karissa Lagunte, Junior

“[I’m looking forward to] sleep. Sleep is the number one amusement park.” – William Handoko, Freshman

“I’m excited to spend Christmas with my family and stuff myself with food. Because everyone is busy throughout the year, including me with school and so this is the perfect time to just chill with them.” – Arabella Casiano, Junior

“I’m super excited to spend time with family I haven’t seen in a few years! I also can’t wait to binge on eggnog and sugar cookies! Family + Food = Perfection.” – Darian Franco, Junior

“This holiday I am excited for having a break off school and celebrating the holiday season with my family and friends, because there will be no homework so I can relax and chill.” – Collin Tse, Freshmen

“My sister coming home, because she’s my bud and then my mom has someone else to get mad at.” – James Gayer, Junior

“Sleep because school + college apps + SAT + sports + people doing stupid things = too much stress and closing my eyes is the only way to escape from it all.” – Tessa Chen, Senior

“Going to disneyland because it’s fun and I’ll be with my family and Disneyland around Christmas time is a lot of fun. The decorations are really nice and it’s not too hot because it’s winter, but it’s not exactly cold because it’s LA.” – Kayla Herron (Freshmen)

“Having more than enough sleep so I actually fulfill the recommended amount; less stress. I’ll be less stressed and my brain won’t be overstimulated. I won’t feel overwhelmed all the time. “ – Victoria Lin, Freshmen

“Sleep, break, and family because it’s fun to see family and I need sleep.” – Adrian Delfin, Senior

With that being said I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones. Don’t get sick and stay warm in those fuzzy socks. Here at the Thunderbolt we hope you have a fun filled holiday break.