COVID-19 has put a stop to many everyday activities—a large one being advocating and protesting with others outside while standing for our beliefs and change. Despite being in lockdown, such issues are still relevant now, and although protesting is no longer allowed, there are still many ways to take a stand and fight for reform from home. 

One way to become a better activist from home is to read up on the topics that need change. Learning about different statistics and stories can be a huge help in furthering your understanding of worldly problems. Reading the websites of foundations, watching historical movies, and researching other organizations that support the same cause are all great ways to educate oneself. With an enhanced understanding of the issues plaguing America, it’s easier to inform others and incite a passion for change. One can  research different problems, while also learning about previous successful activists. By learning what others have done in the past and how they achieved their goals, current advocating strategies can be modeled after them. Through research, the knowledge and plans of lobbyists can be improved to reach everyone in America. 

Another quick and effortless way of spreading word about different activism stances is through social media. One post could be seen by many people in a matter of hours, so an easy way of supporting different beliefs is by using hashtags. Hashtags are a user-friendly method to make a statement on social media and promote one’s beliefs. #BLM, FridaysForFuture, MeToo, and IceBucketChallenge are all examples of how far hashtags can spread. These hashtags bring people together from all over the world in worldwide movements to fight against sexism, racial injustice, and much more. Virtually anyone with access to the platform can use them to spark change and get the momentum started. 

Additionally, social media is an easily accessible way to share news articles, statistics, and stories to raise awareness. A post can quickly go viral, informing society about what needs to be addressed and changed. Upcoming protests, strikes, and petitions can also be posted to invite people to join. Not only can social media be employed to raise awareness, it can also be used to reach out to acquaintances who you wouldn’t normally reach out to, urging them to go on virtual strikes or discuss how society needs to be improved. Reaching out through social media is an effective way of circulating news to others quickly without physical interaction. 

Another way to support different beliefs is by reaching out to those around you. Talking over current issues with friends or family is a pleasant way to get others involved. One can learn more stories and points of view, especially from people of different ages and with different experiences. Discussing various activism viewpoints is a fun way of hearing other opinions and reasons regarding  problems in our society while brainstorming new ways of solving them. Conversing also provides an opportunity to further explain and educate others about personal stances and reasons to become an activist. Learning the feelings of the community is vital to shaping activism methods. 

Taking action is just as important as talking over activism rationale. If a friend or family member wishes to go out and protest, a simple way of assisting them is to help them out with other home tasks, therefore removing a bit of extra stress from their plate. Another form of showing support is by providing protesters with personal protective equipment, food, and water. Any extra supplies would be greatly appreciated, especially during the pandemic. Helping protesters is a simple and safe way of remaining an activist from home. 

COVID-19 has forced everyone to reimagine everyday life. People can no longer congregate and fight for change in society and government. However, there are still plenty of ways to ignite awareness and take action against injustice. Whether you go out to protest or not, remember to social distance, wear masks, and stay safe!