True meaning of gratitude
By Sang Kyeong Choi, Staff Writer Thanksgiving is coming, when people give thanks for the harvest of the year. People spend time with family and take part in fun activities. On Thanksgiving people don’t only thank the harvest of the…
Girls Flag Football places 3rd Overall
By: Michaela Gonzalez, Editor-In-Chief With an outstanding record of 8-2, Mills’ newest sports team, Flag Football, ended the season on a sensational note placing 3rd in the league. They have brought home awards ten-fold, and as the season ends, it…
Beloved Lady Vikings Coach, David Matsu, Passes Away
By: Michaela Gonzalez, Co-Editor-In-Chief On Saturday night of October 7th, longtime Girls Varsity Basketball coach Dave Matsu suffered a sudden stroke at Kaiser Permanente in Redwood City. Over the course of 7 days, he was kept in the ICU surrounded…
Girls’ Tennis Senior Night; 2023 Season Recap
By: Noor Abdullah, Opinions Editor The girls’ tennis team has been dominating courts in the Peninsula Athletic League Ocean Division, holding an impressive record of 11-2. These successes were celebrated on October 12th, which marked both Senior Night and the…
My Experience at SONYT!
By: Isabelle Yang, Copy Editor and Michaela Gonzalez, Co-Editor-In-Chief Our names are Michaela and Isabelle, and we were participants in the School of the New York Times program this past summer. Spending 2 weeks alone in New York City with…
We Call for Compassion and Action: Addressing the Impact of Global Events on Students
By: Noor Abdullah, Opinions Editor In light of recent horrific events in the Middle East, the Mills Thunderbolt feels compelled to address an inadequacy in the recognition and support of students from under-represented groups who feel an emotional and social…
Local Lucky and Neighboring Walgreens Shutting Down this Fall
By Arianna Alvarez, Staff Writer Millbrae’s Lucky and El Camino Walgreens will be permanently closing its doors this November 3rd and 8th, respectively. According to the San Mateo Daily Journal, these decisions are the result of unrelenting theft in Millbrae,…
Middle East Overlooked In History Classes; “But Where is My Chapter?”
By: Ameena Stringer, Staff Writer From the patriotic stories of the Revolutionary War, to the harrowing narratives of slavery, to the overly inclusive history of European greatness, Mills’ social science classes seemingly cover the gamut of all the important aspects…
Coming to School After COVID
By: Joshua Choe 2020 was a hard year for schooling, as it was in general for all workspaces. Mills, however, as in common with all other high schools nationwide, went online in order to keep up teaching and learning during…
Should the Mills Viking Lose its Job as Mascot Due to a Violent Past?
By: Sang Kyeong Choi, Staff Writer “Home of the Vikings”. At Mills, we see these words plastered repeatedly on the walls at school, on posters, and on sports uniforms and school merch. In Fall of 1958, at the time of…