By Sang Kyeong Choi, Staff Writer

Thanksgiving is coming, when people give thanks for the harvest of the year. People spend time with family and take part in fun activities. On Thanksgiving people don’t only thank the harvest of the year but can also think about things that they are thankful for in their own lives. The importance of gratitude is ever-present for Thanksgiving, and not only for this holiday but also in everyday life. It can help people think more positively and strengthen relationships with others.

Then the question arises, do people have enough gratitude? If there is a survey about gratitude most people will answer that they have enough gratitude, because most of them really do express gratitude. Gratitude’s definition is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. Many people have events to be thankful for in their life. It could be small or big but it is still important to be thankful. After experiencing that event most people experience grateful emotions. 

Still, this is not the only aspect of gratitude. “To show appreciation for” is the next step of gratitude. Expressing thankfulness like saying “thank you” is showing appreciation. These are obvious things. Obvious things are what many people do. Then for the question “do people have enough gratitude?” the answer could be yes. Could it really be yes? People can’t remember all their thankful moments. 

Gratitude only exists in that present moment they experienced and after that people often forget their appreciation. Then do people really have enough gratitude? The answer to this question is also obvious. People forget gratitude, yet it never disappears. Gratitude remains and fills people with warmth. It allows memories to flourish, so gratitude is enough. It is enough but expressing gratitude is not enough for some. Expressing gratitude to others can be successful for people but some can have problems expressing appreciation to their close circle like family and friends. People can forget their gratitude for people near and close to them, time and again. They are almost always with them, so people can express gratitude anytime. This can lead to the idea that acts of gratitude are obvious because they have a close relationship. But still remembering to express thankfulness for those close to you is important in maintaining valued relationships. During Thanksgiving expressing gratitude to our communities keeps the spirit of thanks glowing bright.