Mills Campus Construction over the Summer

By Kyle Chan, Staff Writer As summer approaches, many of us will be enjoying this period of content. While students may be relaxed, the campus of Mills remains busy. Mills High School and many other schools within the San Mateo…

Boba Bots’ Competition Season Overview

By Amelia Naughten, Staff Writer On April 8th, 2023, the competition season for the Boba Bots was brought to a close. At their first competition of the season in UC Davis, Sacramento, the Boba Bots fell short of last, ultimately…

Establishing Learning Integrity With ChatGPT

By: Daniel Gao, Staff Writer With the breakthrough of ChatGPT, a generative text ai language model, much of the education system is at risk as students can use the software to cheat on academic essays and other writing assignments. With…

Beloved P.E. Teacher Ms. Tiziani Departs

By Katelyn Lam; Editor-in-Chief Mills is saying farewell to Ms. Tiziani, our beloved P.E. teacher of 15 years. While she’s sad to end a wonderful decade-and-a-half of Viking spirit, Ms. Tiziani is excited for a new start closer to home….


The Influx of Absent Teachers at Mills

By Phoebe Piserchio; Entertainment Editor Only halfway into the year, quite a few teachers at Mills have left their teaching positions for one reason or another, once again leading to staff adjustments on the Viking ship. Some of the teachers…

Middle College: What is it?

By: Michaela Gonzalez, Opinions Editor Although Middle College is offered to Mills students, as well as students across the San Mateo District, very little is known about the program to the majority of students. College of San Mateo (CSM) and…

Millbrae Lunar New Year Festival

By Rachel Cheng, Staff Writer With the start of 2023, many are eager to see what the new year has in store for them.  For many, the new year also brings the holiday of Lunar New Year: one of the…

Food For Thought

By Michael Lin, Staff writer. A healthy body is a healthy mind, and a healthy mind encourages better performance in daily tasks. Since the fall of 2020, California has required its schools to provide free lunches in order to support…

The Effects of the Atmospheric River in California

By Samuel Lam, Staff Writer Over the past several years, California has garnered a reputation for being devoid of water as it has been ridden with droughts. However, throughout the past month, California has battled heavy rain and thunder, all…

Push for Stricter Phone Usage Policy at Mills

By Daniel Gao and Michael Lin, Staff Writers The push for implementing a stricter phone policy at Mills High School has sparked heated debates among students, teachers, and administrators. San Mateo High School has already pioneered its cell phone-free environment…