By: Michaela Gonzalez, Co-Editor-In-Chief

Students are not always aware of The Mills Parent Teacher Organization, or PTO, but they play an important role in the well-being of the Mills student body. Their support ranges from informing the parent community about upcoming events and important information to the forefront of the Annual Fund that funds new technology, student clubs and activities, and even counseling support and lab or classroom equipment.

Joy Pasamonte Henry has been involved with the PTO since her daughter’s freshman year in 2014. Now, for the second time as president of the PTO, Henry is focusing on the tradition of community and wellness for all of the Mills community. “We act as the link between parents and teachers and administration,” voiced Henry. Their main goal is to provide resources to parents who may not know how much stress their students are going through. Again, Henry emphasizes how the PTO is more than just parents and teachers,being that it also includes“caregivers and guardians as well those who are a part of our community.”

The Annual Fund is also a big part of the PTO’s responsibility. “If you are financially able to provide a donation, it goes back 100% to the students at Mills,” Henry encouraged. All donations of any amount can support student services such as technology, field trips, and counseling to name a few. She adds that planning the needs for the funds is really up to the focus groups of parents, students, and admin to evaluate what Mills really needs. Their goal for this year is $140,000, a high target since the pandemic drove the numbers low.

Mills Mania, created about a decade ago, is a recurring event where student clubs and ASB representatives sell merchandise and food to raise a large portion of the Annual Fund. The PTO also hosts other student events including Cookies and Cram, which occurs on December 17th and 18th; the parents provide hot cocoa, apple cider, and other sweet treats for students to enjoy in the midst of finals and studying.

Henry highlighted the PTO’s main goal, which is to provide resources to the parents, especially those who don’t know where to go with questions and concerns. They often hold meetings and information sessions pertaining to the students from each grade. This upcoming January, 10th grade families will be invited to learn about their student’s transition into Junior year, along with other readiness resources. In the past, discussions have been held for Senior families concerning college and 8th graders for the upcoming high school career. Yet, despite the PTO’s attempt to circulate useful information, Henry advocates, “It’s hard to get families involved…because a lot of parents don’t know about these things. When you see us on campus, we want you to know why we’re here.” From free resources for parents to organizing funding for all aspects of the school, the PTO’s job is to connect and support the parents, students, and administration in an effort to better the well-being of the Mills environment.