As class is about to start and I am running down the hall with a minute left and I am barely going to make it to class. Most of the time I do not make it to class on time and I get grouped with “The Late Students”. There are many reasons why students are late such as traffic, cooking breakfast or lunch, running errands before class, etc. Excuses? Yes, but legitimate reasons.

The standard schedule of a typical Mills High School student is 8:00 am-3:15 pm and then stay up doing tons of homework. It’s stressful; most students cannot wake up in time to get to school. Surprisingly, although, students have a late start on Wednesdays, students are late on Wednesdays more than any other day. It’s likely due to the fact, students will sleep later on Tuesday night because of the later start, messing up their schedule. So when students were asked, “why they are late?”.

Junior, Corey Nguyen, said, “Likely traffic, the drive takes a while from my house to school”. Traffic seems like a common problem for many people. Furthermore, Junior Sean Chen replied, “Commonly, I oversleep because I stayed up studying”. Additionally, Junior Austin Lin answered, “Usually, I sleep late because I can not time manage”. It seems like, most students are late because they were staying up doing homework resulting in oversleeping. Junior, Karissa Lagunte, expanded on it saying “Usually I do not get enough sleep so I am always late to the first period but the later periods normally I am running errands and socializing”. Definitely, time management is a huge factor to prevent staying up late but it is not the easiest problem to solve because procrastination is so appealing.  

Truly these are all just excuses, if we slept earlier or just got out of bed earlier, we would certainly get to school on time, possibly earlier. However, we will likely never be early on a regular basis because laziness and procrastination beat everything. We can at least try though because it already has become a habit which is the bigger problem.