
Fired Up: Mills Ceramics

By: Janelle Pantilon, Features Editor

Ceramics is a booming class at Mills. From projects year around to learning the ins and outs of pottery with muddy clay under your fingernails, it is a highly anticipated course. Ceramics is one of the various Visual and Performing Art (VAPA) electives Mills offers.

This class is full of productivity, fun, and projects. Students have the opportunity to get in touch with their creativity and mold pottery with their hands while experimenting with intricate color and design.

Many of the students currently taking the course enjoy the positive and artistic atmosphere brought in the classroom. They added how they had heard a lot of good things from past students.

This all starts with their teacher, Mr. Christenson who has been teaching for 19 years. He’s always had an interest in art and a passion for educating others on it. However, he actually never taught ceramics leading up to taking the position at Mills.

Christenson explained the foundation for his role as an art educator, “I have always been an artist,” adding,  “I first realized that I wanted to teach the arts when in college. One of my peers took me to participate in a group called “Drawbridge” that combined art making with children who had little access to artistic experiences. Once I combined making art with youth it all clicked and I knew I wanted to be an art teacher.”

An average day in the class consists of a daily check in, followed by a lesson on a new technique or style to practice. The remainder of the class “becomes a community studio experience” where students are encouraged to collaborate, interact, and build off one another’s ideas.

Afterwards, clean up is a key part to each day through organizing supplies or cleaning them and the surfaces used. When dried, the ceramic clay becomes dust that those in the room could inhale which isn’t quite healthy for one’s lungs, so wiping down all the equipment is highly emphasized.

Throughout the school year, students immerse themselves in new projects, molding new objects: such as mugs, plates, masks, cups, sculptures of their choice, and far more. While students in the beginner class do not get to use the pottery wheel, those in advanced ceramics begin utilizing it. Everyone’s projects get glazed after constructing and painting.

As projects are fundamental to express these creative concepts, there are some fan favorites highlighted each year. For Mr. Christenson, he “enjoy[s] the Monster Vessel project. Students create a “monster” out of clay (which has a very loose definition) and the variety and creativity in each piece is truly inspiring.”

Students agreed that the “monster” project was interesting while also adding how they enjoyed their individual projects, where they made an object of their choice. It allowed them to challenge their creativity and capabilities, tying everything they’ve learned throughout the semester.

So, even if you don’t think ceramics or art is something you’re good at or a passion of yours, you should step outside your comfort zone and try it out. “My classes have nothing to do with your previous experiences in the arts. You can be someone who has never touched clay or never drawn a stick figure before and still find massive success, joy, challenge, and fun in arts classes,” Mr. Christenson explains.


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