By: Leanna Yu, Culture Editor

It’s that time of the year again, Vikings! Now that fall has rolled around the corner, homecoming games, rallies, and dances are in check, and the Halloween spirit is in the air, the school year is in full swing. Although this school year has already kicked off to a great start with the welcome back rally, club fair, and Mills Mania, there are more events to look forward to that contribute to starting the year off right.

While the school year is still new and fresh, we should continue this momentum of having a positive outlook on this year. It is still early enough in the school year to make new habits to bring positive change into this school year. It is currently a perfect time to set new goals and to be optimistic about future endeavors. The most important thing to remember this school year is keeping an open mindset to new changes, being that change is constantly happening.

Personally, I am super excited to see what will happen this year. While being known as the always happy and positive person by my peers, I continue to strive to spread encouragement to my classmates during the toughest times of the school year. As the school year started, I began to reinvent my mindset and search for things to make me excited for the week. Whether they were athletic games at the end of the week, planned activities with friends, or even just an outfit to lift my spirits in the morning. Making a small goals and rewards system to follow through daily, weekly, and monthly will lead to strong motivation throughout the year.

Students around Mills have also reiterated how your mindset affects the school year. ASB Vice President, Amit Niyogi (senior), mentioned how he deals with finding new ways to ensure that the school year is in check. “Before the school year starts, I usually think of it as a fresh, clean start for myself. Nothing feels that much different, but I think the idea of students starting new again is good for everyone to have the ability to make changes in their lives. Their attitude towards school could really make such a big difference.” As the wide trend for the back to school season is coming to a close and the excitement for the start of the school year is fading away, stay upbeat for making this the best year yet!

Once you look forward to achieving a goal that you set for yourself, you can make this year more meaningful and memorable. Remember to find something that excites you or brings joy into your daily life, and most importantly, remember to keep a balance between your personal and academic life. To start this year, you should keep an open mindset, set achievable goals for yourself, and have a positive outlook on what’s coming next.