
SMUHSD College Fair Supports Mills Seniors Prepare for College 

By: Matthew Du, Staff Writer

On October 16th, the annual SMUHSD College Fair took place at Aragon High School for all students and families from all around the district to attend. There were representatives from more than 75 colleges and universities who came to speak to over 300 high school students and their families about the college application process. 

The college application process can be a very tough and confusing challenge for some students who don’t know where to begin or how to get started. Choosing the best college for their career can also be very difficult. For instance, they may not know which college or university has the major they want to take. This is a common experience for students, but the college fair’s primary goal is to connect students with a deeper understanding of each college and what each of them has to offer. 

This college fair is a huge opportunity for high school students to speak to representatives from colleges and universities about what majors and courses they offer. The college fair also teaches students how to write various college application essays. 

There were four info sessions that students had the opportunity to watch. The four info sessions included teaching students how to write the college essay, the community college transfer process (TAG- transfer administration guarantee), questions regarding financial aid, understanding what award letters mean, and finally the nursing route and pathways that students who want to become a nurse can take. 

This college fair has really helped Mills High School students with choosing their colleges, understanding what each college has to offer, and getting them prepared for the college application process. Many found it helpful in a lot of ways as it connected them with many college representatives who answered their questions. 

Elijah Cabatic (11), a junior commented, “I talked to a lot of colleges. I talked to Oregon, Oregon State, UC San Diego, and Grand Canyon…It was very helpful and I learned more about their majors. I’m into urban planning and some colleges call it differently.”

When asked if the college fair would help him with his college application next year, Cabatic added, “Somewhat, just knowing what colleges that I’m looking for and if they had the major that I was looking for and what they were like.” 

Sofia Kwan (12) who also attended the college fair commented, “It was really insightful because there were a lot of colleges. A lot of the colleges that were there were the ones that I’m applying to…It was helpful because each school provided a pamphlet about their school. The pamphlets were definitely very helpful.”

Kwan also added, “I talked to each representative from the schools and asked them questions about the major that I want to take. I’m into business so I talked to them about their business programs. I think it will definitely help me when I’m applying for a college.”

If seniors need help, they can talk to their school counselors or they can talk to the college advisors, Mr. Hockaday and Mr. Reyes. They are always here to help guide and support students so that they can succeed.  

When I asked College, Career, and Financial Aid Advisor, Mr. Hockaday on how he has been helping seniors with college, Mr. Hockaday said, “[I do] A lot of workshops on Wednesday Flex in terms of college apps (applications), FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), and as well as career placement.” 

Workshop Wednesdays during FLEX is an additional great opportunity for seniors who need help. If seniors need any more additional information, Mr. Hockaday mentioned that “they can drop by the Career Center or go to the (Mills) college and career website*. They have a lot of information on there that seniors can refer to. They can also go to the Opportunities for Success emails that I send out to students and parents [bi-weekly].” 

*The website can be found at 

Mills Thunderbolt Staff Writer: MHS '28