By Eduardo Galindo

The school year is finally coming to a close and with the last few days of school being the finals for the year, students are relieved that they will be able to leave studying and testing aside and relax for a change after this last push for the finals.

Once the finals are over and summer comes around, students are free to choose how they want to spend their time during summer break. Many students are planning vacations to see relatives or to places they have never been before, others might be planning on going to the beach for some fun at the ocean. Some people however are working over the summer to earn some money and save up.

Martin Hernandez (11) a junior soon to be senior will be working in a food truck over the summer. His job is to clean around the food truck and to be the waiter. “I will be cleaning around the truck and also serving people food.” He also mentioned that he will be visiting his cousins multiple times during the weekends in the summer. “It’s a two hour drive from here to where they live.” 

There are also other students who are visiting their relatives around the world this summer. One student commented, “I’m going to India to see my grandparents for the summer.” The student also stated that he will be visiting other relatives as well and that he is excited for the trip.

Classes are coming to an end for the year and with that students are gaining a lot of time in their schedules to spend time however they wish. With that free time it might be useful to spend that time learning new skills or gaining hobbies. Here is a list of things that you might want to try over the summer.

1) Photography. Photography is a great way to capture moments that are special to you and that you want to remember. Not only that but it can also bring creativity from you with how you want the photo taken. Photography also allows you to see the world in a different light than before, noticing details you wouldn’t have seen before and appreciating the world around you.

2) Learning a new instrument. Learning how to play a new instrument can give you a sense of accomplishment and confidence in playing that instrument. Playing an instrument can also relieve stress and calms you down when playing. It makes you more patient and it also helps with memory. Music is a form of self expression and can help with expressing your creativity through playing music. 

3) Cooking/baking. Learning how to cook is an essential skill that is used throughout your life, so might as well start learning now. Taking the time to cook your own meals makes them healthier and better tasting. Learning how to cook also makes you a more responsible person by learning how to manage time and your health.

4) Reading. When you read, it can increase your vocabulary and can help you communicate effectively. Reading can also help reduce stress and when you read before you sleep it improves your sleep.

5) Art. Any form of art whether it be sketching or painting is great for expressing yourself visually. Art is also a very calming experience when you’re focused on the art. Art can also improve skills like analysis, and critical judgment.

6) Journaling. When journaling you have a better understanding of your thoughts and emotions. It can improve your mental health as well as bring a sense of clarity to what’s happening around you. Journaling also improves your memory and can help achieve goals that you set.

7) Meditation. Meditating can bring a sense of peace and focus on the present. It can improve your overall well being and helps with controlling anxiety and coping with stress.

8) Going outside. Leaving the house once in a while for your general mood and health. Breathing in the fresh air can make you feel more relaxed and can make you feel more energized for the day.