By Janelle Pantilon, Staff Writer

Recently, Thunderbolt Features Editor, Julia Xia has taken an AncestryDNA test. Results have returned and are shocking. After a thorough scanning of Xia’s lineage, the test revealed a direct descent from the Italian-American Gambino family. They were a part of “The Five Families,” the five mob groups who dominated New York City throughout the 40s til the late 70s, notorious for their organized crimes and elaborate operations.

She felt inspired to take the test after undergoing a group discussion in her psychology class on how familiar backgrounds impact one’s behaviors in their lifetime. Xia hadn’t known much about her maternal side, they were quite the mystery so she sought out her parents for answers. Her mother advised her to not worry about this and go on with her day.

After soaking in this information, Xia visited her grandparents house and searched through boxes of old photo albums that were kept. A picture of her great grandfather, Carlo Gambino was found and Xia couldn’t believe it, the resemblance was striking. She later googled him and uncovered he was one of the most powerful and respected dons within the mafia. “A new part of me has been unlocked. I feel so connected to this side of me and had no idea my great grandparents did so much in this country. You know- as a kid I was obsessed with The Godfather franchise, and now everything makes so much sense… I’m one of them,” expressed Xia.

Carlo Gambino was a young hitman in Italy who was recruited to the American mafia at nine-teen years old. He became a stowaway and made his way to New York City where he grew his empire. “I knew we were Italian but I didn’t know we were that Italian,” confessed Xia, “My mom always said her grandfather was a mysterious man as they rarely saw him and never knew why wads of cash were around or the reason for fleeing New York to California.”

Her grandmother admitted she kept this secret hidden to protect her family from the mob life they were no longer a part of. However, Xia feels it should’ve been handled differently as she’s been more curious about this lifestyle once discovering her origins. 

“After learning about my great grandfather and his gang, I would love to reconnect with relatives to inquire how they go about business and the history of my great grandfather,” announced Xia, “who knows, maybe in the future I’ll follow in his footsteps.”

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