Ms. Ogechi pictured above in Room 122!

By: Elaine Chan, Center Spread Editor

With the school year rolling in, our students and teachers at Mills have settled into September. A new school year opens the door for all sorts of new opportunities, and the Mills Faculty and Staff are excited to jump into this year with not only brand new teachers, but returning teachers as well!

Just down the English hall you will find Ms. Ogechi, who currently teaches both sophomores and seniors. Her first year at Mills was the 2021-2022 school year, teaching Intro to Ethnic Studies and Modern World History. She immediately enjoyed getting to know her students and expressed, “It was incredible to see the caliber of students and there were so many days when I laughed together with them.”  

Come the 2022-2023 school year, Ms. Ogechi took a job at another high school for a year, however this year she has decided to return to Mills! She describes the community at Mills as incredibly welcoming and it truly felt like a homecoming. As she now teaches the seniors she had previously taught in past years, she warmly comments, “..and my seniors, it’s amazing seeing them all evolve and mature, and of course I love all my new students.” 

Now teaching Modern World History and Gov/Econ, her goals for this year are to prepare her sophomores for the rigor of future classes and to support her seniors as they make this transition toward college and university life. The students and staff have expressed warm welcomes to Ms. Ogechi as she returns to the Viking Ship and she stated that many of her former students didn’t hesitate to extend enthusiastic welcomes. Come say hello to her in Room 122! 

The Mills Staff has also greeted hello to many new teachers this fall semester. Our Math Department has welcomed Mr. Dao, who teaches Algebra 1, 2, and Computer Science Principles, as well as Ms. Tostado, a Geometry and Finite Math teacher. Mr. Dao has been teaching for ten years, and he explains that this year so far has been, “exciting and all my students are so hardworking.” As for Ms. Tostado, this is her first year teaching, and she expresses her excitement for education. She expresses, “I really like the campus and the community created at Mills!”

We are always happy to have new and of course returning teachers at our school who support and encourage our students to thrive in the community. The always-growing Mills family wishes for a fruitful and fulfilling year for both teachers and students!