By Brendan Phimsoutham, Staff Writer

A large number of adolescent young boys are in need of a role model to look up to in this day and age, as it is harder for them to find a proper role model in the family where sanctuary for their growth and development is needed. Most of the time, these young boys will look up to influencers on the internet who pose as these role models and give advice whether it be for good or for the attention and money they receive when doing so. One example of these influencers is Andrew Tate or “Cobra Tate,” who has become viral for his “Alpha-male” content on social media.

For a long period of time, Andrew Tate  has been a relevant person in all aspects of social media.. His most notable public services are his online courses Hustlers University 2.0 and his “War Room,” both of which are his major classes for his followers. The Hustlers University is held online and the War Room in person. However, recent events have caused Tate to be wiped off of social media platforms almost entirely. His supposed ban is due to alleged cases of violent speech such as “how he would assault a woman” and how “some women bear responsibility for being sexually assaulted.”

Despite the recent events, Tate has been labeled as the King of Toxic Masculinity for the longest time and had what was coming to him. But, this did not stop him from being on the rise, as his popularity has now scarred the youth of many young and particularly male adolescents. The most notable trait Tate has influenced is that of treating women as if they were below men. 

How has he he committed these utter acts of misogyny? Through the platforms he had been banned from such as Tiktok and Instagram, where he would use multiple profiles run by his fans and associates in order to spread his influence with short videos usually under a minute. The catch: Tate’s figure of speech contains very intense phrases which grabs the attention of all who watch. This is how he takes over the algorithm and finds his way to all screens. 

At this point, what can be agreed on is that Andrew Tate is a decent business influencer but a disgustingly toxic person of a “role model.” Tate has proven to be the complete opposite of what a helpful influencer should be. The first notable fact of the matter is the way he has put himself out there immediately labeling him a self-centered attention seeker. His lack of care for what others think whether it be hate or valid criticism clearly shows that his ego is way over his head. A second supporting fact is that Andrew Tate with his self-centered characteristics creates an environment where women do not feel safe. Though it may sound as if a specific gender is being catered to, it certainly does not give the excuse for Tate to exploit his position as an influencer to spread distress to others.