Ms. Donohoe’s Partnership with Stanley Cups

By Amelia Naughten, News Editor The Stanley Cup has become a widespread phenomenon on social media, ranging from “Stanley Cup survives 1,000 degree fire and crashing building” to “10 year-old’s hot takes on the latest Starbucks edition.” This adult sippy…

Thunderbolt’s Favorite Editor Discovers Mafia Lineage

By Janelle Pantilon, Staff Writer Recently, Thunderbolt Features Editor, Julia Xia has taken an AncestryDNA test. Results have returned and are shocking. After a thorough scanning of Xia’s lineage, the test revealed a direct descent from the Italian-American Gambino family….

Division In Vision: Students Need Apple’s Latest Vision Pros

By: Julia Xia, Features Editor Have you ever been bullied for your glasses, called “four eyes” and other harmful terms because of them? Had larger, stupid-looking, upperclassmen rip your glasses off your face then stomp on them, shattering their little…

New Cold-Food-Only Policy Due to Recent Fire Hazards

By: Isabelle Yang, Staff Writer In April, Mills administration will implement a new policy on food throughout campus. Students and staff members will not be allowed to microwave, reheat, or cook food inside any buildings, including school lunches. This policy…

New York City Field Trip for All APES Students!

By Abigail Chai, Entertainment Editor In the summer of 2024, freshman biology and AP environmental science (APEs)  teacher DeBois will be embarking on a two-week long trip to New York with his AP students!  The trip serves as the annual…

Singer and Songwriter Benson Boone to Perform at Graduation

By Phoebe Piserchio; Editor-in-Chief This year’s graduation for the Mills Class of 2024 welcomes 21-year-old singer-songwriter Benson Boone to the stage as he is set to perform two of his songs for the class. This is the first time in…

Student Found Locked in Mills Theater Overnight

By: Elaine Chan, Center Spread Editor BREAKING: Student, Ryan Spicker (11) was recently discovered in the Mills Auditorium after being locked in for over 3 days. Spicker was discovered early Monday morning at 6:32 A.M. when the custodian began his…

Michael Jackson Discovered to be a Mills Alumni

By Phoebe Piserchio; Editor-in-Chief In a shocking recent discovery, The Thunderbolt staff was looking through old Mills yearbooks and stumbled upon the name “Michael Joseph Jackson.” Upon further research, we discovered that the legendary American singer, songwriter, and dancer, Michael…

Mr. Yan’s Passion for Fashion

By Phoebe Piserchio; Entertainment Editor This past week, esteemed math teacher, Steven Yan, confirmed rumors that he has been in preliminary talks with Nike over a potential three-year contract to start his own math-inspired basketball shoe line. Rumors have been…

Mills Thunderbolt Sued over Copyrighted Picture

By: Ryan Kurniawan When you hear “sue” the first thing that probably comes to mind is Donald Trump suing Hillary Clinton for Russian collusion allegations, or back in 2019 during the cringeworthy lawsuit between Apple and Epic Games over microtransaction…