By: Phoebe Piserchio, Editor-in-Chief

On the morning of October 4th, one of our school plant operator employees (SPOE), Shawn Thomas, passed away at the age of 43. Being a key part of the Viking ship, we mourn the loss of not just a staff member, but a part of the Mills family. The Thunderbolt sends our deepest condolences to his four children and partner, Dani.

Shawn had been in the San Mateo High School District (SMUHSD) for 13 years. He worked closely with his fellow colleagues on improving various parts of the school, including cleaning the athletic complex and beautifying the greenery around campus. He played a significant role in enhancing our school and its community, so it is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye. 

Principal Duszynski shared heartfelt words about Shawn, describing him as “a ray of light on our campus.” She emphasized that every encounter with him was met with a warm smile; his kind-hearted and joyful presence was always admired.

In honor of Shawn and on behalf of his family, a GoFundMe has been created by Michelle Wilson. Any and all support from the school is greatly appreciated to provide comfort to Shawn’s family as they navigate this difficult time.

Shawn will be remembered for not just his work but the positivity and warmth that he brought to Mills High School every day. He will be missed.